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Russian Short Stories

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"Everything is subordinated to two main requirements — humanitarian ideals and fidelity to life. This is the secret of the marvellous simplicity of Russian literary art." — Thomas Seltzer
Introduction Leonid Andreyev - Lazarus Mikhail Artsybashev - The Revolutionist Anton Chekhov - The Bet - The Darling - Vanka Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Christmas Tree and the Wedding Vsevolod Garshin - The Signal Nikolai Gogol - The Cloak Maxim Gorky - One Autumn Night - Her Lover Vladimir Korolenko - The Shades, A Phantasy Aleksandr Kuprin - The Outrage Ignatii Potapenko - Dethroned Aleksandr Pushkin - The Queen of Spades Mikhail Saltykov - How a Muzhik Fed Two Officials S.T. Semyonov - The Servant Fyodor Sologub - Hide and Seek Leo Tolstoy - God Sees the Truth, But Waits Ivan Turgenev - The District Doctor

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